Friday, February 1, 2013

Blogs to Love Friday #1

Welcome to the first post of the Blogs to Love Friday linkup. I was so excited when I first heard of this linkup and I'm even more excited now that it's time to share my favorite posts I read this week. But first ... if you want to join this linkup being hosted by My Beautiful, Crazy Life and Mrs. Monologues read this post and add this button to your posts.


Now onto some of my favorite posts of this week. They may not have been posted this week, but I did find them and read them this week.
  • These Mattified Splatter Nails by modnails may not have been posted this week, but I did find it this week. Be sure to check out her other nails because they are all amazingly awesome!!
  • I use this Coconut Banana Bliss Smoothie recipe almost daily so that has to count, right? It doesn't really come from a blog. I found it on Pinterest though, which is kind of like a blog, lol. I made two very simple changes to the recipe: substituting the coconut oil with coconut water and the Sustain packet for 1 tbsp of yogurt.
  • I look forward to every new post by Sensible Stylista and her newest outfit post has me wanting to rush out and buy some printed skinny jeans. Seriously? Her every post has me wanting to rush out and buy something! I know some of these things won't look good on me, but she makes them look so great that I want them anyway!
  • There are many things to love about The Freckled Fox: her wonderful fashion sense, her adorable crafts, her yummy looking food, or even her amazing photos plus much, much more. However, I adore The Freckled Fox for her hair tutorials! The one I think most deserves sharing is the Posh Faux Hawk. OMG, I am so in love with this look. What odd and slightly weird girl has never dreamed of having a Mohawk at one time in their lives? I certainly have. Almost went for it too, but the reality of having to wear it day in and day out hit hard. This is one hawk you can love and leave and love again!! Still, if faux hawks aren't your thing, I'm sure she'll have a tutorial that is more your style. 
  • This Double Saran Wrap Tutorial video by DullLikeGlitter is another very old post, but one I was super lucky to find on this week! She also has a picture tutorial post on her blog. I tried this with light pink, white, and baby blue but can't wait for summer to try her bright red, yellow, and blue look!
nails nailart nail art polish mani manicure Spellbound Lacquer Valentine's Day V-Day Valentine Valentines saran wrap double tutorial Blogs to Love Friday linkup link up pink blue white Sally Hansen Pink Blink Color Fever petites Creme Blue

I keep trying to expand my V-Day mani ideas to incorporate colors other than white, pink, and red. I decided to substitute the often used red for blue in this one, and I think it still has all the makings of a good V-Day mani.


  1. I would love to follow you! I love your style! :)

  2. Ashley thank you. I answered your email. kisses

  3. Beautiful!!! thank you so much for your visit!
    I follow you with GFC! and I added you by g+ too! I'm very happy if you do the same.
    Have a wonderful weekend! and my g+for you...

    Besos, desde España, Marcela♥

  4. I follow you by Bloglovin too!!! I'm very happy if you do the same.
    and like in bloglovin for you too.

  5. Nice nails !

    Come follow me and leave me a comment, I follow back!

  6. Lovely post! And that double saran wrap mani is stunning!


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